FEGENTRI Gentlemen Race in Mons Ghlin (Belgium) on May 21st, 2009 – Pictures & Video
#Gentlemen's pictures
#News about FEGENTRI

Gentlemen Rider before the “Prix Jules et Robert Voss” Fegentri World Championship Race in Mons-Ghlin in Belgium May 21st with Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri (third from right) and General Secretary Susanna Santesson as well as Thierry Lohest, Vice President of Fegentri and President of the Royal Club des Gentlemen Riders et des Cavalières de Belgique.

Gentlemen riders in the Fegentri Race in Mons-Ghlin in Belgium

from left to right:
Thierry Lohest, Vice President of Fegentri, Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri, Susanna Santesson, Genereal Secretary of Fegentri, Henri Dehaes, Diane Kervyn d’Oud Mooreghen
Video:Mons Ghlin, May 21st, 2009 – Winner is Patrick Deno (Belgium) on Musical Feud