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News about FEGENTRI


Only 18 years old German Amateur Rider Dennis Schiergen’s greatest success: He won the Group I Race “Großer Preis von Berlin” on 21st July 2013 at the racecourse in Berlin-Hoppegarten … approx. 10,000 people watching his ride. Never ever an Amateur has won a Group I race and this was a historical day for German Amateur Racing. Dennis Schiergen is the Fegentri representative for Germany this year.

Happy Winner Dennis Schiergen from Germany on Nymphea

Nymphea with Amateur Rider Dennis Schiergen (left) and trainer and father Peter Schiergen (right)


Ladies on the Curragh above from left: Lisa O’Neill, Silja Stören, Catherine Burri, Fegentri President Nathalie Bélinguier, Silke Brüggemann, Barbara Guenet, and Jessica Marcialis, winner of the race below from left: Duygu Fatura, Manuela Slamanig, Hillevi Ljungqvist and Cristina Buesa

Fegentri lady riders and their national flags on the Curragh, July 21st, 2013