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The winning team with Christopher Roberts (in the middle) at the prize presentation

Lucky Winner Christopher Roberts – congratulations!

Congratulation also to Edouard Monfort for winning the Swedish Grand National with “Glückstag” – same horse that won with Florent Guy two years ago the same race.


Apero at Lakeside Zurich th evening before the Fegentri race. From left to right: Bruno Sigrist, President of the Swiss Amateur Riders Club, Rikke Munk-Sörensen, Denmark, Susanna Santesson, General Secretary of Fegentri, Sarah Leutwiler, Switzerland, Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri, Jadey Pietrasiewicz, Netherlands, and Katherine Harrison, Ireland

Fegentri evening in Zurich

From left: Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri, Bruno Sigrist, President of the Swiss Amateur Riders’ Club and Susanna Santesson, General Secretary of Fegentri

Nathalie BĂ©linguier, President of Fegenti

Fegentri Lady Rider Sarah Leuwiler and Gabriel Stahel

Lady Riders at Lakeside Restaurant in Zurich From left: Rikke Munk Sörensen, Katherine Harrison and Jadey Pietrasiewicz

Lady Riders lining up at Racecourse Frauenfeld in Switzerland From left: Jadey Pietrasiewicz (Netherlands), Berit Weber (Germany), Rikke Munk Sörensen (Denmark), Jessica Marcialis (Italy), Sarah Leutwiler (Switzerland), and Katherine Harrison (Ireland)

Berit Weber (Germany), third place in the Fegentri race

The winner of the 5th Fegentri race 2011 for lady riders in Frauenfeld is Sarah Leutwiler (Switzerland), Catherine Burri (left) also Switzerland finished second and Berit Weber (Germany) third

The Winning Team: 1. Sarah Leutwiler (Switzerland) 2. Catherine Burri (Switzerland) 3. Berit Weber (Germany)


Group photo of Fegentri World Cup of Nations participants before the race in Maisons-Laffitte with Nathalie Bélinguier (right), President of Fegentri and Susanna Santesson, General Secretary. Jean de Bretizel, President of the Club des Gentlemen Riders et des Cavalières de France in the middle.

Duygu Fatura from Turkey participating in the FWCN for the first time with Fegentri President Nathalie BĂ©linguier and General Secretary Susanna Santesson