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Presentation of the riders

Norwegian success in Mauritius

Cathrine Engebretsen winning the Final Race of the Fegentri World Championship for Lady in Mauritius

Awarded by HRH The Princess Royal and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mauritius – a great moment for Cathrine Engebretsen

The winning Team of “Tito Manolo” after winning the Final leg of the Fegentri World Championship for Lady Riders at the racecourse Champ de Mars in Mauritius After the race

From left: William Chung, President of The Mauritius Turf Club, HRH The Princess Royal, Ruth Jefferson, Vice-Fegentri World Champion of Lady Riders (GB), Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri, Susanna Santesson, General Secretary of Fegentri, Fegentri World Champion of Lady Riders Tina Henriksson (Sweden), Pauline Boisgontier (France), 3rd place in the Fegentri World Championship.

Nathalie Bélinguier awards the Fegentri World Champion of Lady Riders 2010, Tina Henriksson from Sweden, in the presence of HRH The Princess Royal.

HRH The Princess Royal, Ruth Jefferson, Vice Fegentri World Champion and Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri

Some more impressions

Party for the winner of the Fegentri World Championship for Lady Riders 2010: Tina Henriksson from Sweden


The most exciting Fegentri Final for Lady Riders ever The final leg of the Fegentri World Championship series for Lady Riders 2010 with 24 races in 12 different countries took place at the racecourse Champ de Mars in Mauritius for the fourth time since The Mauritius Turf Club – as the oldest racing club of the Southern Hemisphere and the second oldest in the world – became a member of Fegentri in 1997. In 2012 Champ de Mars is celebrating its 200th Anniversary. The International Jockeys’ Weekend at the end of the season before the summer break is racing and party. The visit of HRH The Princess Royal, who came to Champ the Mars for the first time, was a great honour to The Mauritius Turf Club. And it was an exceptional honour to Fegentri that the race was bearing the title “The Princess Royal Cup” and Her Royal Highness awarded the winning team of the Final Race of the Fegentri World Championship for Lady Riders. Cathrine Engebretsen was the lucky rider at the draw picking the winner “Tito Manolo” and received the trophy from HRH The Princess Royal. The final race was exciting as hardly one has been before. Four lady riders still had chances to claim the title of Fegentri World Champion. Before the final Ruth Jefferson from Great Britain was leading with 7 points, second was Pauline Boisgontier from France, third Tina Henriksson from Sweden und fourth Nina Wagner, only 17 year old student, from Germany. As in the previous years the mounts were drawn and each rider picked out their horses during the evening at “Le Touessrok” with a presentation of the international riders and followed by a reception. Honorary guest of that evening were Henry Cecil and his wife, who visited Mauritius for the first time, as well as Louis Romanet, IFHA-President, and his wife Isabel. Star-Jockeys as Lanfranco Dettori, Stephane Pasquier and William Buick have not been to Champ de Mars for the first time and were happy to come back. The Fegentri race was won by Cathrine Engebretsen, second was Tina Henrikssson and third Catherine Burri from Switzerland. The distance between the second and the third was just a nose and the judge had to take the photo for his decision. Due to her second place Tina had three points more than Ruth. The “little nose” made the decision and there was a lot of luck as well. Tina Henriksson from Sweden was the only lady rider who never was in the lead during the entire year. We want to congratulate the Fegentri World Champion of Lady Rider 2010: TINA HENRIKSSON from Sweden as well as the second Ruth Jefferson from Great Britain and the third Pauline Boisgontier from France. But all lady riders did their best and many of them won or have been placed during the year. Eight lady riders from eight different countries competed in the final Fegentri race in Mauritius: Tina Henriksson (Sweden), Ruth Jefferson (Great Britain), Pauline Boisgontier (France), Nina Wagner (Germany), Cathrine Engebretsen (Norway), Catherine Burri (Switzerland), Jessica Marcialis (Italy) and Jadey Pietrasiewicz (Netherlands) who has won already three years ago at the racecourse Champ de Mars.


Germany is the winner of the Fegentri World Cup of Nations series 2010. Congratulation! Out of seven races in total the German Team won 3 races: Pisa (Italy) March 28th with Berit Weber Berlin-Hoppegarten (Germany) September 11th with Kirsten Schmitt Penn National (USA) October 14th with Nina Wagner Germany was placed second: Maisons-Laffitte (France) May 22nd with Marian Falk Weissmeier Deauville (France) August 1st with Berit Weber Laurel Park (USA) October 15th with Berit Weber Germany was placed third in Goodwood, August 29th with Andrea Hierer

Diana Gillam (USA) winning the Fegentri World Cup of Nations race at Great Meadows, United States