Cathrine H. Fortune from Norway wins the Fegentri World Cup of Nation in Berlin Hoppegarten
Cathrine H. Fortune celebrates her win on La Luneta
Cathrine Fortune (Norway) – La Luneta – Trainer Roland Dzubasz
Group Photo after the race from right back: Managing Director of the VDAR Katja Baltromei, Owner Bernd Nebel, Racecourse Owner Gerhard Schöning, Honorary Member VDAR Tesi von Werner The rider from right: Sarah Shaffer (USA), Raoul Dygas (Germany), Michelle Blumenauer (Germany*), Silke Brüggemann (Germany), Evelyn Poehl (Italy), Julien Delauny (France), Winner Cathrine Fortune (Norway), Melanie Plat (France), Nora Hagelund Holm (Noraway), Marc Timpelan (Germany)
Group photo with the Gentlemen Rider and (from left) André Voss, Former President of the Belgian Club and Race Steward, Diane Kervyn in the middle and right Nathalie Belinguier and Thierry Lohest
Group photo with the Lady Riders and (from the right) Henri Dehaes, Race Steward,
Philippe Delioux de Savignac, Secretary of our Amateur Riders Club,
Diane Kervyn, President of the Belgian Club, Fegentri President Nathalie Belinguier
and Fegentri Vice President Thierry Lohest